Janet Mesh Quotable


Where is she now? How Janet Mesh of Aimtal doubles her business YOY: a follow up episode

Do you want to discover the key to sustainable growth and building strong relationships with clients for your small business?

Are you searching for a solution that will help you evolve your small team into a thriving organization? Look no further, because our guest, Janet Mesh, will be sharing her journey and the solution to achieving long-term success. Get ready to unlock the secrets of sustainable growth and forge lasting connections with clients, as Janet reveals the path to transforming your business into a thriving powerhouse.

A passionate business leader and marketing maven, Janet Mesh is making waves in the digital realm as the CEO of Aimtal. With a deep understanding of technology, she has turned Aimtal into a renowned integrated marketing and consulting agency that offers innovative solutions to B2B clients. Janet’s bright entrepreneurial spirit shines through her determination to build a remote team and deliver high-quality work.

In this week’s episode of Quotable Podcast, we delve into the highs and lows of Janet’s journey with Aimtal since having her on the show 4 years ago. From understanding the pros and cons of remote work to honing in on a niche sector for successful marketing campaigns, we’ve got it all covered. So, if you’ve ever dreamt of building your own empire or even if you’re just curious about what goes behind the scenes of a thriving marketing agency, this episode is for you.

Discover how Aimtal went from a two-person team to a powerhouse, cultivating strong client relationships and sustainable growth along the way!

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Learn how Janet has built a sustainable business growth model for her marketing agency
  • Understand the intricacies of building a successful remote team at a marketing agency
  • Trace Aimtal’s journey of growth over the last 4 years since Janet’s last appearance on the podcast with her focus on sustainability, and building long-lasting relationships with clientele.
  • Comprehend why defined processes, systems, and communication channels are key for effective remote work management.
  • Become cognizant of how video strategies can enhance marketing outreach in the tech sector.

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Connect with Janet & Aimtal:

Visit Aimtal.com to see more of Janet’s work.

Connect with Janet on LinkedIn.

Watch the “Marketing in a Minute” Series on YouTube

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