Quotable Podcast Episode


3 Things That Make a Good Pitch

How do we make a really good pitch?

Pitching can be tough and time consuming but it is worth it if you are sending out a really good pitch. You would rather spend the time and craft a really good pitch that is more likely to be opened and actually get some results than just sending out a lot of pitches and hoping one will stick. The good news is that, when you are pitching on behalf of your business or your brand, there are certain things that you can do to improve your pitching skills and help you get a good pitch angle. And today, I am giving you three things that you should incorporate to help you find a good pitch angle so your pitch email gets opened, read, and gets you results!

In this episode, you will hear:

-How to make your email interesting enough to read; picking your topic and your subject line
-Why you are not just pitching a topic, you are pitching a story
-The importance of being relevant “right now”; having a relevant tie-in
-What will get your personality and your unique angle out there

Let me know if these tips make it easier to come up with a good pitch by messaging me on Instagram or leaving a comment under the post for this episode https://www.instagram.com/quotablemediaco/.

This episode is sponsored by the brand new Hayley Denker resource shop that has been created with the small entrepreneur in mind. Check out the easy to follow worksheets and templates that any small business owner can use to do their own marketing!

Go to https://www.hayleydenkermarketing.com/resource-shop to find everything from a marketing channel plan to a social media content planner.

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