Paige Burns Quotable Magazine

Interviews, Quotable Magazine

Paige Burns of Main Paige Media LLC

What’s your business and how did you get started?

Main Paige Media is a full service video production company. We pride ourselves on placing your business goals first and developing a video strategy that will not only result in beautiful content, but also help you make money, save time, and build relationships. It’s a priority of mine to work with women led and feminist organizations.

I’ve always worked in video production in some capacity, but in 2015 my career pivoted from working in entertainment to marketing. I’d previously thought corporate video jobs were “boring” and “selling out.” Needless to say, I proved myself wrong. Not only was the marketing content we were producing interesting, I also found that I loved it. Before starting this business I worked in-house as the Senior Multimedia Producer at Simmons University. Towards the end of my time there I started finding successful alumni to feature on video. I really fell in love with telling the stories of women breaking barriers and striking out on their own. That was the catalyst to starting this business! With a marketing eye and a passion for storytelling, I’m really proud of what we’ve created in the last 4 years.

What’s your favorite thing about being a business owner?

Oh so many things! I always say I never want to “go back to work.” I love the freedom being a business owner provides. I can choose which projects to work on, who to partner with, and where to take our vision. I also love that I get to meet so many amazing people I never would have crossed paths with otherwise.

What keeps you motivated in the midst of challenges?

My love for opportunity really keeps me going. If business slows down, that can be an exciting space for growth. Same if we’re slammed with work – how can we optimize better? What experts can we now bring on board to help us out? The mindset shift of looking at challenges as opportunities is a game changer.

Tell us about your morning or evening routine.

I can’t say I’m a routine gal and I’m most definitely not a morning person. Most mornings I get up and start my work day in my pajamas. Just get some food and coffee in me and I’ll get started. I try not to take many morning meetings as that’s not when my social energy is at its best. Quiet work in the morning, communication in the afternoons is best for me. As for evenings, I am one of those people whose mind starts racing when it’s time to relax. I find that if I just pop open my notes app and create a to do list, it quiets the mind. Once it’s written down, I no longer have to stress that I’ll forget something. I also read a book before bed – something light and fun, usually fiction – instead of looking at my phone. If I start scrolling, I know I’ll be up late and setting myself up for a tired tomorrow!

What’s one thing you’re currently working toward or expected growth for the future?

Now that we’re out of the pandemic (kind of?) I definitely want to travel more for client work. I had the pleasure of traveling to Denver for a client shoot last year and it was so much fun. I also had the amazing opportunity to partner with another video producer last fall on a shoot in Italy! Ten days of filming with great food, wine, and sunshine was a dream. I love to explore new places and hope to continue to get after these opportunities whether the trip is a 3 hour drive to a new city or an overseas redeye to another country!

What’s your best business advice you would give to other women?

One of the best pieces of advice I got when I was starting was to stop focusing on what I thought I “should” be doing and keep my eye on sales. Whenever I’d stall and think something like, “But I need to update my website BEFORE anything else,” my coach would bring me back to earth and tell me: Go make a sale. I think that’s a really important perspective. It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to do everything all at once, but in reality once you’re generating consistent revenue, you can then devote some of that income to hiring experts to do some of those tasks for you.

Connect with Paige:

Instagram: @mainpaigemedia

Photo by Rachel G Photography

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