With the ringing in of the new year often comes the motivation to better oneself for the future. Setting goals to align with your future vision is essential, but it is even more important to visualize yourself achieving those goals and incorporating the habits and lifestyle that your future self will embody into your life right now. One of the best ways to do this is through vision boards. A physical (or digital) manifestation tool filled with images that reflect what one wants for the new year.
Here are five steps to create the perfect vision board for 2023:
1 Reflect on the past year
There can be no moving forward without looking at everything that put you where you are now. Both the negative and the positive. Even think about the goals you made for 2022, which ones didn’t work out, which did but not in the way you planned, and which did you get rid of completely. Use this knowledge as guidelines for the new year and insight into realistic goal setting for yourself.
2 Write down all the goals you want to achieve for 2023
Take some time and write (or type) out the things you want from this new year. For vision boarding, it can be easiest to separate goals into categories (career, self-care, love, etc.) to narrow down exactly what you’re aiming for. Along with setting those goals you’re creating keywords that are integral to the vision board process. Vision boards are a physical manifestation of everything you want to achieve in the new year.
3 Choose the best option to display your vision board
When vision boards were first created they consisted of a collage of photos cut out from a magazine and pasted onto a poster board. This is a fun and creative option for anyone who wants a more hands-on approach to vision boarding. It allows you to actively participate in visualizing your goals by searching through materials and putting them together in a visually pleasing way. This way is best for people who benefit from having a physical copy of their vision board available to them. You can hang it wherever is best for you to take inspiration from.
The other option, which has become increasingly popular, is digital vision boards. This involves using a digital design or photo-editing platform, like Canva, Photoshop, or even Instagram, to composite images on one digital board. This way appeals to people who want to carry their vision board wherever they go. A digital vision board can be your screensaver, can be shared on social media platforms, and you can have access to it whenever you want.
4 Select the images
Once you’ve chosen the format for your images, what’s most important is to pick images that reflect what you want to achieve for the new year. These images are what you’ll be looking at for the next year, so it’s essential that they are inclusive of what you see yourself doing or becoming in the new year. Considering not just what the goal is, but the feelings and emotions that those goals will bring up in you will make them more impactful. Think about the reasons behind your goal, beyond just the goal itself– why do you really want to reach that goal or accomplish that thing? What will it actually mean for your life and how will that feel? Find images that bring those feelings up in you. Hint: they won’t always be the most obvious or beautiful visual representation of your goal but that’s ok, as long as it makes sense to you.
Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, WeHeartIt, or even Google Images can be great to comb through and find cool images to combine. And for physical vision boards, a trip to your local convenience store or a look at your junk mail can provide magazines filled with visuals that you can combine to reflect your goals.
5 Create the vision board
The final step is to take all your materials and create a vision board. Depending on your method of inspiration you can create a collage filled with images you’ve collected but you can also include personal items, ticket stubs, written quotes, fabrics, etc. It’s meant to reflect what you want for the year but in the best way for you to be inspired. Don’t worry about the way you believe it’s meant to look and focus on combining materials that bring in the feelings you want to feel or that the goals evoke in you, beyond just the physical representation.
Manifestation is a large part of vision boards. It’s not just about creating art but mentally placing yourself into the things you want and seeing yourself achieving them. Vision boards serve as a constant reminder of what you want and who you want to be.
In my own personal experience, I’ve found it’s best to follow these steps with friends. Make it a fun party with people you want to bring into the new year. This way you can bounce ideas and goals off of people you trust, make sure that you have a set route for the new year, and keep each other accountable. Don’t feel pressured to make it before the new year or even during the month of January, goal setting happens all year and your goals aren’t less likely to be achieved just because you waited until March.
Vision boarding is a fun and engaging activity for everyone to enjoy. Follow these steps to make sure you can make one that best inspires you to make 2023 your year!