Quotable Podcast


4 Ways to Get Yourself in Quotable Magazine


Join Quotable Podcast host, Alessandra Pollina in another mini chat this week. In addition to being the Quotable Podcast host, Alessandra is also Editor in Chief and Founder of Quotable Magazine- the magazine by and for female entrepreneurs. She is diving into all the ways you can get involved in Quotable Magazine, since creating visibility opportunities for female entrepreneurs is a key part of the Quotable mission. So listen in to hear four ways you can see yourself in Quotable Magazine.

In this episode you will learn:
  • Visibility opportunities for your personal brand and business in Quotable Magazine.
  • What it takes to contribute a featured article in Quotable Magazine and the types of articles we love.
  • Details on our exclusive coaches corner for female coaches, and more paid opportunities for boosting your brand’s visibility.
Connect with your host:

I would love to hear how this helped you! Comment on this episode’s Instagram post and share how this inspired you. If you have any other tips or ideas leave a comment under the post for this episode on our Instagram page @quotablemediaco or shoot me a DM. You can also connect with us at our Quotable Magazine Instagram account @quotablemagazine.

For any show ideas, to submit a guest to the podcast, or if you have any questions, please visit https://quotablemediaco.com/podcast.

Links in this episode:

Visit quotablemediaco.com/submission-guidelines for more details on how to submit a contributed article to Quotable Magazine.
Email magazine@quotablemediaco.com for details on the coaches corner and other advertising opportunities.
Submit yourself for a founder feature.
Subscribe to the magazine.


I feel like I make it, so obvious how it people how important it is for people to participate in our magazine, and that it is by and for all women leaders, but when we were talking about what material to focus on for this fall, one of my team members was like I feel like we should talk more about how people can participate in the magazine how they can take part in the things that we offer through this platform because if you really think about it, we really don’t share about it too much all in one place yes you might see at the bottom of our emails like contribute to the magazine or we post a social media post when we’re looking for new contributors or something like that But for the most part I’ve never really talked about just all of the different ways that you can participate all in one place so it does make sense to put that out here because it is so important that we have as many people as possible take part that is literally the whole point of why we created this magazine was to be able to spotlight all of you and it’s important to talk about that a lot and share about it a lot so that you always feel invited to participate I know exactly how you best care because again otherwise what’s the point like that is literally why we do this, so I wanted to mini chat today to just kind of go over all of the opportunities that we have and tell you how to take part if you’re interested.

Contributor- every single issue and online all the time we feature contributed articles from other business owners who speak on their expertise and share some thing of value to our audience. It could be specifically about whatever your business service is like say for example, we’ve had a photographer talk about how to best take your photos or how to get ready for a photo shoot for your business or a marketing person write articles around you know how to do a certain type of marketing for your business things like that that are specific to a process or service that other businesses need and it can also be a little more general like around how you balance running a business and taking care of your self or lessons that you have learned when it comes to being a female business owner kind of thing, so it could be something that’s not like super specific to your actual area of expertise, but it’s some thing you are an expert in by being a woman in business, and having these experiences that others can learn from it is important that the article is something the other people will find interesting and can learn from. Those kinds of stories and expertise are really helpful for others to learn from so that’s the kind of thing we love to share.
Join the contributor network- another option that we have that’s only really available once a year as our contributor net work and what that is is for people who know they would like to regularly write articles and that is usually 4 to 6 articles a year and you’re committing for the whole year and then you’re an official part of our contributor network. There are some special perks you got, but mainly it means that you can submit your article ideas in advance. We will always know that we have space for those in every print issue and we will therefore, obviously like not include another article that’s super similar to your topic in that same print issue because obviously we want a wide variety of content nothing too similar so if we know you’re going to be doing that we won’t except a contract contributed post that’s too similar for that issue your posts your articles can also go up online in between the print issues and you’ll be listed as one of our contributor net work and come to our contributor network meetings, or if you’re not available, you get the recording, but you gotta feel like you’re a little bit more apart of the quotaBle community really help make every issue possible cause we know that we’re going to get those exact articles for each issue.
Pitch an interview or spotlight – and then of course we always do a certain amount of interviews. The spotlight articles in each issue, so you can always picture yourself to be one of those interviews. If for example, you don’t want to write a contributed piece or you just feel like you would rather be seen in an interview or some kind of spotlight on your business and how you’ve created what you’ve created and this just means that you will essentially pitch yourself. We only include a few interviews in each print issue so it’s a little bit harder kind of to make room for, but we also can put them solely online if you’re OK with not being in print we can do an interview that will go up online and and you would either need to fill out written questions or set up a zoom interview with one of our writers in order to make that happen. If your pitch is accepted.
Online spotlight forms – lastly, one of the really fun new opportunities we are setting up just starting this fall sort of it’s actually a takeoff. Some thing we started we did this summer, but we decided to keep it going with a little bit of a different twist, and it is some online forms that you can essentially just fill out to be a part of one of our series articles, which is a little spotlight series on on female founders and we have two different ones going right now over the summer we did a Boston an Feeding Founder series, so that’s what I mean you might’ve seen that and now we have two new ones that are not Boston specific up online and these are essentially to make it really easy to submit yourself or someone you know any point in time and the series will be constantly running online. We will post one or a few every week and or every month and it will give you a fun peek into other entrepreneurs experiences and can be a really easy way to get your self featured. If you maybe you don’t want to write a whole contributed article or I don’t know like you know what you would write about for now this is a form with some questions pumps and I will be posted as like a cute any word with a question and then your response to it and you also need to upload some photos so there’s some visuals for it so I’ll make a really nice online piece that goes with these. And you can find these forms on the website and just fill them out whenever you want.
Paid opportunities- coaching corner – OK and so then I wouldn’t do you want to touch on two paid opportunities that we have one is our coaching corner page which is a paid opportunity only because we got so many coaches that are interested in being in the magazine and we wanted to keep it to keep it from being just filled with coaches so we made it a really special individual bread for one special coach spotlight each month and this is a paid opportunity so it’s kind of first come first serve to who wants to snag that page for the issue and they pay a small fee and get to answer some questions for a Q&A that’s in the print issue and goes up online and in our newsletter and everything like that so if you are a coach and you’re interested in that reach out because we are filling up the next print issues for next year
Advertising – print and digital bundle – and then of course we do have advertising or sponsorship opportunities for online and print, and we are really actually trying to ramp that up a bit this year because that is going to allow us to just do more with a Magazine. That is our only real revenue opportunity right now with a Magazine so it’s important that we build that up and so if you are interested in reaching our audience in a more specific way, and in a market system way consistent then this is a good opportunity for you and also if you’re interested in supporting the mission of Cordova magazine in amplifying women’s voices and sharing female found her stories. This is how you can also be really supportive of all of that because he said we do need advertising in order to make this all work so we have a bunch of different options and you can reach out to get the information but basically any advertising option includes print page in the magazine and an online peace , online and posts on social, and in our newsletter, and all of the different ways to reach her audio oh, and also even a Podcast blurb because we have a white audience over on the podcast as well and we want to make sure that anybody who advertises with a quotable gets in front of all of our audiences so right now, all of our podcasting, I mean all of our advertising packages, and blurb as well so if you’re interested in that definitely get in touch I’ll put the link in the show notes. We are booking advertising sponsorship for the next few issues now and into 2024.
So just to throw this out there if you didn’t also, already, please do subscribe to the magazine that’s a great way to get involved and to participate and to support and to just make sure that you will receive it every single issue so you can subscribe online and you can also join the email list on the website and get our monthly email right now we’re at the time of this recording. We only send it out monthly with our top articles from the month. We all get so many emails we don’t send out like a daily email or anything like that as of right now, it’s just once a month you’ll get the top articles we’d love for you to click and them and read them and just make sure that you saw the top articles from the site from that month but we would really really love for you to subscribe to the print issue because it is so fun to get that print copy in the mail and lastly I’ll just say that if you do subscribe already or if you do after listening to this and you get your next one in the mail definitely post about it on social media and tag us tag at Quotable Magazine and you can also try got quotable media code too if you want to which is kind of where I hang out more personally and because we love to see them out in the wild and we’ll definitely re-share and things like that Um yeah it’s all part of building a community and we just want you to love the magazine and feel so personally invited to be a part of it, and definitely reach out to me. If you have any questions or any ideas, we’re always looking to build us into the best platform that I can possibly be for all of you, so totally open to thoughts ideas feedback any of all of that and I’m you can always email us at magazine@quotablemediaco.com.

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